Today is the 5th anniversary of the beginning of Walk With Me. Like so many others, I started blogging feeling certain it would be short lived. Yet, here I am...five years later.
My original journal is safely archived away. It would have been such a shame to lose it. The last five years was the most challenging time in my life. This journal saw me through a very difficult time in my marriage, the death of Meg and Schuyler and the subsequent aftermath, and a very painful relocation with all the difficulties involved.
Of course when I say "this journal" what I mean is you....my readers...my friends. I never expected this form of communication to become the lifeline that it has. I never expected that it would lead me to meet people face to face who have become some of my very closest friends. I've never had a huge following and many people have come and gone. But to all those who have been with me through the years...I thank you with the deepest sincerity for being here when I needed you most. I can't express how much it has meant to me to know that you're out there and you care. I appreciate the you've been here to laugh and cry with me. The value of your encouragement cannot be measured. If it weren't for you, I'm sure this is a milestone that I never would have passed. To those of you who have recently found me....welcome! I hope to get to know you in the weeks and months to come.
I know that my entries have been rather intermittent. I really want to try and do better about that. I also want to do better at getting around to check on everyone else. We all have the same problem...there are just many good blogs, too many interesting people out there. When I write here, I think of it as an open friendly letter. I write what I believe my friends would care to know. I write what I need friends to hear or if I need their support. Someone is always there and that's a comfort. At the start, I was sure that no one would care what I had to say. But you've proved me wrong. In this crazy world, everyone's time is precious. I am touched when you choose to spend a few minutes of that time with me.
To many more years together....
1 week ago
I think last October would've been 5 or 6 years for my journal ... did you start at the very beginning too? I deleted my entire Back Roads of Life Journal. The journals now blog have been a lifeline and the friendship/support that I've received have been a treasured gift for sure. I'm glad I got to meet you through the journals! (maybe someday in person?!?)
Happy Journal Anniversary! I believe mine must be close to 5 years old now. I was an "original" when AOL started the journal program. It's definitely been my saving grace in so many ways. The friendship and support in this community is and has always been outstanding. I shudder to think where I would have been without it at the time when it was so desperately needed. Write when you can and don't worry about how often..I personally think that when we aren't spending as much time writing as we used to, it sort of means we've got some balance in our life...or maybe..for some..we should be writing due to the lack thereof. Who knows? Continued blessings and long live your writing Dear Girl! Lisa
When I started a journal, yours was the most-often referred to around and now 5 years later it is easy to understand why.
You're just damn good. That's why in honor of your fifth, I'm officially tapping my table (WOOD) in hopes you keep the fire and inspiration going. :)
Happy Anniversary to one of my long-time journal friends.
I'm glad you're here...
and many more...wouldn't it be cool if there was a big j-land/blogger bash!!! some place warm!
Happy Anniversary Kat - I've been around on and off just about the same length of time you have (remember those beginning days?!) It's amazing to me that is was such a short time ago in the grand scheme of things! (((Hugs)))
Happy Anniversary. It has been a long and rough five years, and I'm glad to count you among my journal friends.
Hey! Some come and go and come again. :-)
I don't expect people to read everything I write or comment on everything if they did read. It's truly not feasible just like keeping up the pace of writing I did the first six months I had a journal. At some point, you've got to find a healthy balance to keep going for the long haul.
I reached five last October too. It's hard to believe that we've all been around that long. May we have many more years ahead.
Happy Anniversary! 5 years is truly a milestone. I've enjoyed reading your journal and relating to so much of what was going on in your life. It was always nice to know I'm not alone with the marriage, teenagers and regular life challenges that come along. You are a class act. Keep up the good work!
YES, I'd go to the falls with you in a heatbeat! Now just get yourself out here!! :-)
It's been quite a ride for five years. You are one of the most universally liked and admired journalers to come out of AOL. I Haven't forgotten that you were my first commenter back in April, 2003. Who knows where the time goes?
Happy Anniversary! Kat I found you during a difficult time in my life and found your journal comforting and inspirational. I am so happy that I am able to read whatever you post! Thanks for sharing so much of your live with us!
Happy Anniversary, Kat!
Your photography has been such a gift to so many of us. I'm so glad you decided to keep it going at blogger.
I hope that your sorrow merges with the Chanukah lights into something a little less excruciating this year.
Happy Anniversary. It's been fun getting to know you through your words.
Merry Christmas!
Congrats, Kat!
Happy Anniversary. I am so glad you're here.
Hey Kat,
I am just getting to this but did want to comment on it. Next month would have been 5 years for me as well had I kept my original journal, which sadly, I did not save. There were sooooooo many treasures contained on that one. It is the journal where I first met you as well. I am still in contact with some of the friends that I met from that journal as well. It does seem odd at times to think that a simple written invitation to share parts of your life could turn into real life friendships but I think that part of it is most amazing. So happy Anniversay (although late) on hitting the 5 year mark!! So glad that I was lucky enough to have clicked on your page when I did.
Sending hugs and love,
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